Pledge – Niccy S
Our family pledges this year that we will look for opportunities to be of service to our neighbors and local community, and sacrifice some of our material resources for those who have less.
Pledge – Phil
I pledge to not spend money in futile ways and teach my kids about the value of money as a currency for living in the world today – and not use it a status symbol.
Pledge – Sharyn M
To help people less fortunate than me.
Pledge – Michelle C
The next time I buy a coffee I will pay for the next coffee behind me and simply say “have a nice day!”
Pledge – Ricky
I pledge to pray for sick kids and share the message of the book
Pledge – Kylie W
I pledge to read this book to my children often and teach them about the things in life that really matter… Balance of body, mind & spirit, Faith in God, hope, love, compassion and respect for each other, our planet and all our amazing creatures.
Pledge – Rebekah S
Hold an event in my school library so 700 children can have the conversation and be inspired. I would love a hard copy to have as a resource that can go into homes and have an influence beyond the school.
Pledge – Noel L
To be a better person. I will give my beautiful grandchildren 8 of them to read.
Pledge – G Campbell
To educate the rest of the world.
Pledge – Donna K
Taking myself and my 9 yr old son into the city to give a few blankets to the people who live on the streets above the Roma street gardens.